Quiz 1: Deaf Awareness

ASL and Deaf Awareness Quiz

1) What is ASL? (Circle two)
a) a code similar to Braille
b) a shortened form of English
c) a language incorporating a lot of mime
d) a language capable of expressing any abstract idea
e) a language using picture-like images to express ideas and concepts
f) a language utilizing space and movement to convey meaning

2) Historically, ASL is related to: (Circle one)
a) British Sign Language
b) Swedish Sign Language
c) French Sign Language
d) German Sign Language

3) Is a Deaf person handicapped? Why / Why not?

4) Which term do Deaf people use when referring to themselves: "deaf" or "hearing-impaired"?

5) ASL is used by most Deaf people in which of the following countries? (Circle all that apply)
a) Canada
b) United States
c) Mexico
d) Brazil

6) What percent of Deaf people have Deaf parents?
a) 10 percent
b) 25 percent
c) 50 percent
d) 75 percent
e) 90 percent

7) American Sign Language and Deaf culture are transmitted to Deaf people from generation to generation primarily through: (Circle all that apply)
a) family
b) Deaf adults in the community
c) residential schools for the Deaf
d) Sign Language interpreters

8) The role of facial expressions, head movements, and eye gaze in ASL is primarily: (Circle one)
a) grammatical
b) stylistic
c) emotive
d) attention getting

9) While watching another person sign, it is appropriate to focus on the signer's: (Circle one)
a) hands
b) chest area
c) face

10) Among ASL signers, fingerspelling is used in what ways? (Circle all that apply)
a) interchangeably with any sign
b) to specify name brands
c) as an artistic form of signing
d) to give names of people and places

11) To get the attention of a Deaf person who is looking the other way, you should: (Circle all that apply)
a) yell as loud as you can
b) tap him/her on the shoulder
c) wave in his/her face
d) go around and stand in front of the person

12) If your path is blocked by two signers conversing with each other, you should: (Circle all that apply)
a) wait until they stop talking before you pass through
b) bend down very low in order to avoid passing through their signing space
c) go ahead and walk through
d) find another path

13) Which of the following are considered rude by Deaf people: (Circle two)
a) touching a person to get his/her attention
b) looking at a signed conversation without indicating you know sign language
c) describing a distinctive feature of a person to identify him/her
d) talking without signing in the presence of a Deaf person