Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hello! Welcome to our blog “A.S.K. ASL” by Amanda Boyle, Sarah Drake and Kerry Daley from the Teaching American Sign Language as a Foreign Language program at Teachers College, Columbia University.

As future teachers of American Sign Language (ASL), we feel that Deaf awareness will be a major component in our classroom. In addition to establishing Deaf culture as a daily element to our curriculum, we also want to provide our class with an added pathway to allow for student inquiries and access to Deaf events outside of the classroom. This blog will serve as a forum to be available to our students at all times, where us as teachers can post valuable recourses, Deaf events and other information. This will also be an area that questions can be posted, at any hour, and answered as quickly as possible. Our hope is that this can be a forum where misconceptions can be addressed and clarified.

How do you use our blog?

First of all, if you have a general question about ASL or Deaf culture, you can email us at We will read your question and then post it onto this blog with the answer. Please include, along with your question, whether you would like the post to have your name attached or to be anonymous.

Also, if you see something interesting already on the blog’s wall, please feel free to make a comment.

Lastly, be sure to check out our links and videos!

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